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NYS STEM Learning Rubric

NYS SLRubric
Women & URM
Online Learnng Sites
Online Learning Sites

STEM/STEAM learning is facilitated through the creation of inquiry experiences that integrate across content areas. Here are some useful STEM and STEAM online resources for teachers, students and parents. Is there an online source you’ve used that has quality STEM/STEAM learning? Tell us about it! Go to Contact Us to and share the name and link.



Resources for: Teachers

Arts & STEAM: Edutopia
Edutopia provides videos, discussions and resources by grade level that help teachers integrate the arts in STEM instruction.




Astrophysics: ASPIRE
ASPIRE is the Astrophysics Science Project Integrating Research and Education. It includes interactive labs developed by teachers for teachers.

Computer Science:
WNY STEM Hub is a Regional Partner in While we also collaborate on a training program, these resources are available to online to any teacher.

Evolution: The Understanding Evolution Center
The Understanding Evolution Center at the California Museum of Paleontology provides a basic course, free teaching materials and resources.

Google Earth: Google Earth Lessons
Free lessons and teaching tools for teachers are provided to help enhance instruction using the free resource, Google Earth Lessons.

Mathematics: Illuminations
The Illuminations website provides teachers with lessons, games, brain teasers and other resources in teaching mathematics.

Mathematics: Wolfram MathWorld
This site is one of the most extensive online resources for teachers on most major mathematics topics.

NYSED  Fall 2021 Science Standards updates

The New York State Education department provides a portal of resources and information on the Common Core Learning Standards for teachers at their EngageNY website.

Seismology: The Virtual Courseware Project
The site provides inquiry-based activities to help teachers demonstrate seismology concepts.

The New York State K12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards

The New York State K12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards were adopted by the Board of Regents in December 2020.  The new standards focus on five key concepts.

Video: Vital New York
The nine public television stations in New York State collaborated to provide Videos in Teaching and Learning including a resource collection of STEM videos for teacher professional development, at their Vital New York site.

Resources for: Students, Parents, and Teachers

Biology: The National Institute of General Medical Sciences
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences provides free resources for teachers, parents and students targeted at the middle school through early college years on such topics as: cell biology, genetics, chemistry, structural biology, computational biology and pharmacology.

Earth Science: The Digital Library for Earth System Education
The Digital Library for Earth System Education contains resources for students and teachers that can be accessed by grade level and learning standard.

Ecosystems: The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York provides youth camps and student resources. It also provides a free newsletter for teachers and parents. Teachers will also find information on summer institutes, workshops, fellowships, teaching materials, field trips and in-school programs.

Engineering: DiscoverE
Through DiscoverE, students, parents and teachers can access activities, career resources, videos and games relating to engineering.

Genetics: DNA Learning Center
The DNA Learning Center (DNALC) is the world’s first science center devoted entirely to genetics education and is an operating unit of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, an important center for molecular genetics research. The Center offers student summer day camps for students from middle school through high school, Teacher Training Workshops and Fellowships for secondary and college faculty, a family of educational Internet sites on topics, including basic heredity, genetic disorders, eugenics, the discovery of the structure of DNA, DNA sequencing, cancer, and plant genetics and content is available via off-line media (CD-ROM or DVD).

Paleontology: The Paleontology Portal
The Paleontology Portal allows students and teachers to search museum collections, explore careers in paleontology, get publications and field guides, check galleries of fossils, and fauna, and more.




Resources for Women in Computer Technology
This article reviews the history of women in computer science, current opportunities for women, and resources to help women explore and grow in computer science fields.

Robotics: FIRST
FIRST offers exciting mentor-based programs for students, parents, and teachers that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Science: The National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation provides a diverse collection of lessons and web resources for classroom teachers, their students, and students’ families. Materials are arranged by subject area to help you quickly find resources in your interest area, and then use them to create lesson plans or at-home activities.

STEM Guide for Kids
From Masters in Data Science, the guide provides a list of outside STEM resources for grades K-12, elementary, middle, and high school kids as well as specific list of references for girls interested in the STEM fields.

Resources for: Students, Parents, and Teachers

WNY STEM has many knowledgeable members  who volunteer to speak on a variety of STEM and STEAM topics.  There is no charge to the requester for speaking engagements provided by our members. Potential speakers and topics are extended through collaboration with several partner organizations.  If your topic of interest does not appear on the list below, please request the topic and we will do our best to match you with a speaker. 

  • Caddisflies: Underwater Architects

  • Going Viral – Emergent and Re-Emergent Infectious Agents

  • It’s a Small, Small World – We Live on the Planet of the Microbes

  • Evolution: There is No Debate

  • Bio-infor-what? A Beginner’s Guide to the World of Bioinformatics

  • They Really Aren’t Imaginary

Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

STEM Power Directory

The STEM Power Directory consists of organizations committed to empowering girls and women in STEM careers.

STEM Directory
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